jueves, 15 de julio de 2010

Shlomo Mintz entrega diplomas a los 23 concursantes / Shlomo Mintz hands out the Certificates to the 23 contestants

Los 23 participantes recibieron un diploma por su participación en el Primer Concurso Internacional de Violín Buenos Aires 2010. Mirá las imágenes de los chicos recibiendo su certificado

The 23 contestants received a diploma for their participation in the First International Violin Competition Buenos Aires 2010. Have a look at the pictures of the kids getting their certificate

El diploma se entregó a la totalidad de los concursantes, independientemente de su clasificación a la segunda ronda:

The Certificate was awarded to each one of the Contestants, regardless of their promotion to the Semifinal Round:

Miran Kim, Sergey Pospelov, Francesca Dego, Maia Cabeza, Jinjoo Cho, Betty Zhou, Stefani Collins, Hyuk Joo Kwun, Paula Sumane, Soh-yon Kim, Nigel Armstrong, Xavier Inchausti, Ayrton Pisco, Mariana Hernández, Nobuhiro Suyama, Iskandar Widjaja, Federico Nathan, Luis Cuevas Sánchez, Anne-Sophie Lacharité-Roberge, Dawn Wohn, Jeremy Rhizor, Artem Kononov, Rachel Ostler.

Los violinistas recibieron los aplausos y ovaciones del público presente en el auditorio de la Comunidad Amijai, Arribeños 2355, Buenos Aires.
La competencia es organizada por la Comunidad Amijai y presentada por la Fundación YPF, y se desarrolla del 10 al 21 de julio de 2010 en Buenos Aires, Argentina. Consultá la agenda de eventos con entrada libre y gratuita (sujeta a la capacidad de la sala)

The participants received warm rounds of applause and ovations from the public present in the Auditorium of the Amijai Community.
The Competition is organised by the Amijai Community and presented by the YPF Foundation, and it is held from 10th to 21st July 2010 in Buenos Aires.
Check the schedule of events that are open and free to the public (subject to the sitting capacity of the halls)

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